What to Do When Feeling Lonely

Feeling lonely is a common experience that many people face at different points in their lives. Whether it’s due to a recent move, the end of a relationship, or simply feeling disconnected from those around you, loneliness can be overwhelming. However, there are effective strategies to combat loneliness and help you feel more connected and…

¿Cómo prosperar en tiempos de crisis?

Sabemos que se vienen grandes cambios en la geopolítica y la economía mundial. La humanidad está viviendo una época de turbulencia sin precedentes, que muchos de hecho la comparan con las profecías bíblicas a la llegada del Anti-Cristo. Guerras, desastres climáticos, gobiernos totalitarios y sangrientos, la pérdida de la estructura moral y la ética en…

A World of Illusions: My new authored book!

Dear readers, We are living at a critical point in our history, and our human civilization as we know it is on the verge of a radical transformation. In our attempt to regain our lost paradise, we can become obsessed with recovering a sense of security, even if it is for just a brief moment….

¿Somos Realmente Libres?

La virtud más grande que se le ha otorgado a la humanidad, es el libre albedrío. La libertad de elegir un camino de vida el cual vaya de acuerdo a tus propios valores, creencias y pensamientos. El libre albedrío es un tema que debatimos desde siempre; los filósofos de todas las épocas nos hablaban del…

Healthy Families = Healthy Societies

In Today’s state of the world, nobody talks about the role family plays in the preservation of human societies. In the last decades, the focus has been set on basically destroying the very core of a functional family: the role of men and women.  Good families have a solid male-father figure who brings leadership, security…

How to Keep Calm in Times of Chaos

If you watch the mainstream media regularly, you might think that the world is on the verge to collapse. The third world war is about to take place, inflation is skyrocketing, and social unrest is high in most of the world. Most decent people believe that inherently their governments are good. This is especially true…

¿Se Acerca el Fin de Nuestra Civilización?

Día tras día estallan noticias que me hacen pensar que estamos a punto del colapso. Y lo digo en el literal sentido de la palabra. El descontento civil a nivel mundial acerca de fenómenos bastante coordinados como el “cambio climático” y la agenda de la “igualdad” sólo por mencionar algunos, nos están arrojando a un…

Becoming a Conscious Leader

When we think of a leader, what often comes to mind is someone with a strong character, powerful, smart, ambitious- someone who shows you the way about how things should be done- but we should ask ourselves if those traits are still the ultimate attributes of leadership. I certainly challenge that view. As a life…

Climate Change: Myth or Reality?

The world is ending since I have a memory. Year after year, we are being reminded that there is not much time left until an apocalyptic climate event will finally erase us from the phase of the earth.  I still remember Al Gore’s speech saying the Ice Poles will be melted by 2013. And the…